Monday, January 13, 2014

Keep It Real

Keep It Real
Try not to set unrealistic expectations for yourself. Don't try and seek perfection. Be realistic with your goals and your body type. Remember, it is about living healthy and being the best person you can be. Assess your natural body type, embrace it, and set your goals accordingly. It's much more important to find a way to be happy with yourself than to be ultradriven. You only live once. Make the most out of each day!

If you are ready to make a lifestyle change and tackle your 2014 health and fitness goals, this is YOUR year! Most people set health and fitness resolutions that they quickly abandon within the first few weeks of the year. BUT with support and accountability, you can make resolutions habits that last the whole year and long after that!

For 30 days, we will be focusing on turning your resolutions into habits to ensure you reach your 2014 health and fitness goals.

This 30 day challenge is FREE and open to all, but anyone who is super serious about making a change and commits to a challenge pack (complete workout program that fits your goals, meal plan, and daily meal replacements to get the nutrients you need, reduce cravings and speed up your results) gets a customized meal plan and goes into a more hands on group with more advanced guidance for nutrition and training.

NOTE: Space is VERY limited as I must cap at a certain number to be able to keep tabs on everyone. Click the link below to get the application to join! We start Monday, January 27th. Let's do this! 

What kind of people drink Shakeology? People who want to lose weight and be healthy…and get a daily dose of dense nutrition while reducing their craving for junk food. People who want more energy, better digestion, and a happier mood. People a lot like you.

My Weekly Teaching Schedule:
Mondays- Zumba at LA Fitness-Westfield at 8:30 AM
Tuesdays- Zumba at 9:30 AM, Turbo Kick at 5 PM both at Monon Community Center
Wednesdays- Zumba at 9:20 AM at Jordan YMCA, Zumba at Monon Community Center at 7 PM
Saturdays- Zumba at 8:30 AM at LA Fitness-Glendale

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