Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Dust Off Your DVD's Challenge Group

Summer is seriously around the corner!! Do you have a workout program that you started and never finished? Programs like Brazil Butt Lift, Les Mills Combat, Insanity, P90x, TurboFire, Hip Hop Abs, etc. Maybe you have one you ordered and never opened? If so this challenge is for YOU.

We are starting a "Dust Off Your Workout Program" challenge group. If you are ready to stop wasting what you paid for and get some use out of those DVDs, shoot me an email at and {masked} subject "Challenge" and lets talk ASAP ♥

There are no in person meetings for the challenge, it is 100% on Facebook, so you can do this no matter where you are! The Accountability Group is for 30 Days and FREE to anyone who has a FREE account with me via Beachbody. Let's do this!! :)


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