Wednesday, May 28, 2014

FREE BACKSTAGE PASS into Beachbody Coaching

Ever wondered what exactly we do as coaches?!?

If you or if you know someone who is either the following:
 1⃣ Loves fitness
 2⃣ Loves helping others
 3⃣ Wants to make a little extra FUN money OR make $ to pay of debt like college student loans
 4⃣ Wants discounts on great fitness products and supplements like Insanity & Shakeology
 5⃣ Needs accountability during their own health and fitness journey.

Let's chat! My coach is is running a FREE 5 Day "BACKSTAGE PASS" into Coaching. If interested, comment below with your Facebook URL or friend me at so I can add you to our private group. Feel free to "like", "comment" or "share" this post with someone.


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